Bowls Victoria Regions Competition
2024 saw 8 players from MCC join the Yarra men’s and women’s region sides.The men competed against Geelong, Ballarat and Gippsland bowls regions in their Saturday games. Rinks consisted mostlyMCC rink with Brendan Gallagher (skip), Max Goldsmith (third) and Simon Naughton (lead).MCC also made up half of the top rink of the competition consisting of Michael Wilson (third), and Scott Mejean (leading). This rink holding a clean sheet all weekend and finishing +39 shots.The side finished Saturday strongly with 2 wins over Ballarat and Gippsland to edge out the Geelong region on shots up difference.That setup a Sunday silver tier final of Yarra playing the Sandbelt region with a very high standard and tightly fought out match which went down the last bowl and Yarra winning the 45 end final by 6 shots.The Yarra women’s 2024 side fielded talent from many clubs and featured Alison Hall, Sam Robinson and Denise Huender from MCC. The women’s team didn’t lose a game but finished Saturday with a single win and 2 ties which left them just short of spot in the Gold tier final.Consensus across the region was that it was a success.